Extension Policies

The following regulations govern Texas State Extension Studies:

Enrollment in an extension course does not constitute official admission to the university, and those not admitted to Texas State may take extension courses. 

Students from other institutions who wish to transfer extension credit should obtain prior approval from their home institution and are responsible for ascertaining whether or not credit for an extension course will transfer to their home institution.

If enrollment in extension courses will create an academic overload, students must have prior approval from their college dean.

Transcript records are maintained for all credit earned by extension.

Those employed as teachers may present for credit toward a certificate or degree not more than six hours during one public school year.

A maximum of 30 semester hours for Texas State credit may be completed through a combination of correspondence and extension courses.

Students on active suspension from Texas State are not eligible to enroll in courses for extension credit.

Texas residents or persons attending public colleges or universities in Texas are subject to compliance with Texas Success Initiative regulations.

Extension coursework completed through Texas State counts toward a student's GPA and may be applied toward residency requirements for graduation with a bachelor's degree. Hours and grades earned through Texas State extension courses are counted in the hours required to be eligible for Dean's List and in the GPA calculation for Dean's List. Also, hours earned through Texas State extension courses are counted in the hours required to be eligible to graduate with honors and in the GPA calculation for honors.

Because of Texas State's membership in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), as well as authorizations previously obtained from individual states and ongoing compliance with applicable state authorization rules, Texas State is able to accept student enrollments for online and distance education courses from students who reside in all states. Visit our State Authorization web page for further information.

For more information, please contact Online and Extended Programs at 512.245.2322, or come by our office in 302 Academic Services Building-North.